Our Leadership

Susan Burnley

Vice President of Marketing and Business Development

Susan has worked at Gentuity since 2017 as the Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. She believes that the key to providing the best product is thinking about things from the user’s perspective. Susan has worked extensively in cardiology with leadership positions at St. Jude Medical, Philips Medical Systems, and Hewlett-Packard, as well as in strategy at Bain and Company, Case Strategy, and DigitalGlobe. She was involved in bringing one of the earliest IVUS systems as well as the first coronary OCT imaging system to market.

Susan is passionate about product development and learning from physicians about their medical practice and how Gentuity can make it easier for them to provide the best possible patient care. She has a wealth of professional experience in the medical device field and finds the intersection of engineering and medical practice fascinating.

David W. Kolstad

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Desmond Adler

President of Cardiovascular

Renny Clark

Chief Financial Officer

John Goodnow

Co-Founder & Executive Vice President R&D, Manufacturing, and Operations

Chris Parker

Vice President of Global Market Development

John Kummailil

Vice President of Operations

Susan Burnley

Vice President of Marketing and Business Development